Hampton A. Crimm
- Echocardiography
- General Cardiology
- Nuclear Cardiology
Hampton Crimm, MD, FACC, MS specializes in General Cardiology and is also board certified in echocardiography, cardiac computed tomography, and nuclear cardiology. He has a special interest in cardiac imaging and manages a wide spectrum of cardiac illnesses.
Prior to joining Virginia Heart, Dr. Crimm served as an active-duty Commander in the United States Navy. During his 13-year tenure in service, he served as a primary care physician to the United States Congress and Supreme Court prior to completing Cardiology Fellowship. Aside from oversees deployments, he spent most of his career between Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and Fort Belvoir Community Hospital.
Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of health problems nationwide, though the evaluation modalities and treatment options are constantly improving. Dr. Crimm became interested in Cardiology because of the ability to affect positive change in patients' lives in both the short and long terms.
Dr. Crimm enjoys the great variety of outdoor activities available in Northern Virginia and being part of the local community.
Medical School
- Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
- Walter Reed National Military Medical Center | Internal Medicine
- Walter Reed National Military Medical Center | Cardiology
Leadership Positions
- Academic Professor of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
- Fellow Mentor of the Year, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, 2017
- Special Teaching Faculty, Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, 2019
- Master Clinician Award (designated by the Department of Defense Health Agency), 2021
- Staff Teacher of the Year, Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, 2022
Hospital Affiliations
- Inova Fairfax Hospital
- Inova Loudoun Hospital
- Substantially enlarged cardiac silhouette. Crimm, HA. Welch, T. J Fam Pract. 2022; 71(4)e9-11. PMID: 35730707.
- Focused, low tube potential, coronary calcium assessment prior to coronary CT angiography: A prospective, randomized clinical trial. Crimm HA, Fergestrom NM, Dye C, Philip C, Nguyen BT, Villines TC. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr. 2021; 15(3):240-5. PMID: 32868247.
- Mycotic aneurysm of the proximal LAD successfully excluded with covered stents. Crimm HA, Reoma JL, Gallagher RM. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2020; 36(22):2299-2300. PMID: 32737709.
- Anomalous, Dual Left Coronary System: an Exceedingly Rare Variant. Reichlin KM, Crimm HA. J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2020; 28(1):67-69. PMID: 31805615.
- Prone Patient Positioning to Exclude Left Atrial Appendage Thrombus Using Cardiac CT. Crimm HA, Taylor JR, Fogarty BT, Villines TC. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr. 2018; 12(2):176-8. PMID: 29396193.
- A Hidden Culprit Illuminate with Advanced Cardiac Imaging. Crimm HA, Little BW, Soh EK, Hulten EA. Military Medicine. 2018; 183(5-6):272-275. PMID: 29415142.
- Cardiac Sarcoidosis Presenting as Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Haley R, Crimm H, Hulten E, Huffer L, Flanagan MC. Eur Heart J. 2017; 38(30):2377. PMID: 28369314.
- Total Anomalous Coronary Venous Return: Strategic Planning in Atrial Fibrillation Ablation. Hampton A. Crimm, MS, MD; Sun Mee Paik, MD; Matthew Needleman, MD; Todd C. Villines, MD. JACC: Clinical EP. 2016; 2(6):756-8. PMID: 29759755.
- Clinical Outcomes Following Coronary CT Angiography are Comparable to Radionuclide Myocardial Perfusion Imaging for Ethnically Diverse Intermediate Risk Acute Chest Pain Inpatients. Crimm H, Hulten E. Evid Based Med. 2015; 20(6):225-6. PMID: 26446038.
- A Gene Expression Classifier of Node-Positive Colorectal Cancer. Paul F. Meeh, Christopher Farrell, Randal Croshaw, Hampton Crimm, Samantha K. Miller, Dora Oroian, Sangeeta Kowli, Jinyu Zhu, Wayne Carver, Wensong Wu, Edsel Pena, and Phillip Buckhaults. Neoplasia. 2009; 11(10):1074-83. PMID: 19794966.
- Somatic Mutations to CSMD1 in Colorectal Adenocarcinomas. Christopher Farrell, Hampton Crimm, Paul Meeh, Randal Croshaw, Thomas D. Barbar, Jacob J. Vandersteenhoven, William Butler and Phillip Buckhaults. Cancer Biol and Therapy. 2008; 7(4):609-13. PMID: 18614856.
Book Chapters
- Ventricular Pathology. Hampton Crimm, Ryan Haley, Todd Villines. In: James Stirrup, Russell Bull, Michele Williams, Ed Nicol (eds). Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2020. ISBN-10: 0198809271.
- Contemporary Survival in Heart Transplantation. Crimm H.A., Fiacco N.R., Flanagan M.C. In: Bogar L., Mountis M. (eds) Contemporary Heart Transplantation. Springer International Publishing, 1st Edition, 2020. ISBN-10: 3319580531.
“The same cardiac problem may affect different patients in different ways. The key to successful treatment includes understanding the context of the problem, empowering patients with disease-specific knowledge, and adopting a plan based on shared decision-making, tailored to each patient.”